I always carry handwork with me wherever I go. Remember the old adage about idle hands! Mine are seldom idle. And, thus, at every opportunity, I pick up a needle and thread, a hook and yarn, a pen and paper. The Fibonacci Fashion Fedora you choose from my collection may have been created while I was riding in a car, train, boat or airplane; as I relaxed outdoors on a glorious day; or, as I curled up in my motorhome on a cold and blustery winter night!
From early childhood, I was engaged in knitting and crocheting my own socks, sweaters and mittens. As the years passed, I added sewing, quilting, beadwork (make all my own oriental - belly- dance costumes - visit www.delphibellidance.com), embroidery, weaving and, yes, even basket-weaving.to my creative "crafts".
When my first grandchild was born, I invented a baby product, which has since taken off and is on the market today. You may see this amazing 6-in-1 baby bag at www.tendatot.com. The TEND-A-TOT(tm) provides nurture, comfort and security for baby from birth throughout early childhood and ease of care and mobility for Mama and Papa.
...and now, I have become THE MAD HATTER, crocheting, sometimes, 2 and 3 hats a day. At first, I was simply making hats for family (and I have a huge one!) and for friends, oftentimes as one sat and waited! Then in January of this year (2012), I came upon a fabulous novelty yarn for sale, a temptation I couldn't resist. And, so began the madness. Although not an obsessive-compulsive, I found I had set myself the goal of creating 100 hats! Well, that goal was reached; and, still, I cannot stop creating hats. To keep things interesting, I went from the initial Beret to the Greek Fisherman Hat and from there to the American Newsboy Cap, Sami Norwegian Ski Hats,Tribal Hats and Beanie. I was even asked to do a Rasta Hat (Rastafarian).
I make my very own hang tags out of paper bags. Please do your part and re-use/re-cycle to show your love for Mother Earth! Thanks!
I would love to hear from you!
FIBONACCI FASHION FEDORAS ECT.™ is the result of this!